Why are MacBooks more expensive than Windows Laptops

Why are MacBooks more expensive than Windows laptops?

It’s been a perennial battle among nerds and the tech savvy community, Macs Vs PCs. A battle that will never be won, at least not in this life time. Somewhere during the battle of words and online forums, the question of price always comes up. Why are MacBooks more expensive than Windows laptops?

In this article, we share a few reasons that we think make MacBooks more expensive than Windows laptops.

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Why are MacBooks more expensive than Windows laptops?

First things first,

Apple sells only premium machines.

The Cupertino company doesn’t shed down on specs. It concentrates on the premium section of the market. MacBooks have very excellent displays, the flash storage is the fastest there is, and their track pads are excellent and unrivaled.

Did we mention their aluminum build? This makes for the higher price than most Windows laptops that have inferior specs.

Apple provide an almost-full package.

Apple offers quite a bit of free software with all MacBooks. This includes its productivity suite: Pages word processor, Keynote presentation program and Numbers spreadsheet. With a MacBook, you get iMovie for creating videos and GarageBand for editing audio and producing podcasts.

Macbooks offer an awesome package of software including apps like iCal, Notes, Contacts, Messages (SMS and Apple’s iMessage) among others. Many customers are used to them on mobile, it’s exciting to have them on a MacBook.

And there comes Windows laptops, with nothing but a ton of junk software trials. Why MacBooks are more expensive than Windows laptops?

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The awesome MacOS.

Many people think MacOS is a worthy alternative to Microsoft’s Windows OS. It has tons of high quality software, both first and third-party. It is an OS associated with high quality standards.

Resale value.

Macbooks do not lose value that easily. A MacBook’s resale value is much higher than Windows laptops. Even though you paid quite a bit for your MacBook, you can recover some of that by selling it.

It’s made by Apple.

Seriously. Apple is a high margin business and markets itself as a premium brand. It has the resources to market very expensive products and actually sell them. Windows laptops? Not really.

Also, the world’s most popular smartphone, the iPhone works very, very, very perfectly with Macbooks. Major MacOS apps are 100% compatible and have almost 100% feature parity with their iOS versions. This makes you miss less from your iPhone when you are using a MacBook.


Does the above make Windows laptops inferior? No. Okay honestly, somehow. However, some people just prefer Windows. But MacBooks are exceptional machines that many people appreciate. They’re very dependable, they have awesome looks, and have great overall performance. That’s why makes MacBooks more expensive than Windows laptops.


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