iLab Africa

A Research Centre under the Fac­ulty of Inform­a­tion Tech­no­logy at Strath­more Uni­ver­sity, @iLabAfrica was estab­lished in Janu­ary 2011 to spear­head research, innov­a­tion and entre­pren­eur­ship in the ICT for Devel­op­ment (ICT4D) eco­sys­tem towards the attain­ment of the UNDP Mil­len­nium Devel­op­ment Goals (MDGs) and Kenya’s Vis­ion 2030. We recog­nise that the spread of ICT tech­no­lo­gies in devel­op­ing coun­tries remains pain­fully slow; con­demning a large frac­tion of Africa’s pop­u­la­tion to poverty, under­nour­ish­ment, dis­ease and dis­em­power­ment. We also recog­nise that this situation is improv­ing in some coun­tries as a res­ult of the phe­nom­enal growth of the mobile tele­phony ser­vices. This improve­ment in data access and connectivity has cre­ated a wealth of oppor­tun­it­ies for entre­pren­eurs to engage in mobile-​based ser­vices deliv­ery business.

*This is a curation of all Tech Hubs In Africa by Dignited.

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Email: ilaba­fricastrath​more​.edu

Website: http://​www​.ilaba​frica​.ac​.ke

Location: Nairobi - Kenya