
Cleaning Your MacBook: Here are the Dos and Don’ts
You don't have to wait until a random person points out how dirty your MacBook has become before you decide to clean it. MacBooks can gather dust and dirt on the surface quite quickly. Hence, you should clean it periodically. For your own admiration and... Read More


How to Install and Use Shazam On Your MacBook
In 2018, Apple acquired the music recognition app, Shazam, in a $400 Million deal. While the app still works as a standalone, it has also been integrated into Apple's major products - iPhone, MacBook. For this purpose, we will focus on the ways to use Shazam on your... Read More

How to Downgrade or Cancel iCloud Storage Plan on iPhone or Mac
Have you realized that you have more space than you need on your iCloud? Maybe you subscribed for an iCloud storage plan and later discovered you weren't filling it up as you thought you would. Well, the good news is you can decide to downgrade... Read More


7 Tips to Optimize Your MacBook Battery
Nobody fancies a device with poor battery performance. Sometimes, while the performance of a device's battery can nosedive due to natural causes, there are usually things we can do to make sure this doesn't happen. Even with your MacBook, you can optimize your battery performance.... Read More


How to Create Multiple User Accounts on Mac
There are times where creating multiple user accounts on a Mac can come in really handy. Maybe employees taking shifts in a company have to use the same computer, or you and your siblings share one computer. Whatever the reason is, creating multiple user accounts... Read More

How to Set Up A Guest User Account On Your MacBook
Some MacBook users have people who occasionally use their computers. For these sets of users, it's advisable to set up a guest user account on your MacBook. This will make sure that when those occasional users come to use your device, they'd log in with... Read More

How to Forget Wi-Fi Network on iPhone, iPad, or Mac
Sometimes, after joining a Wi-Fi network from your iPhone or MacBook, it continues to automatically join that particular network anytime it's on and within range. This can be really frustrating sometimes, especially when you don't intend to join the network. Well, that's why you can... Read More
