TANZICT stands for The Information Society and ICT Sector Development Project. It’s bilateral collaboration project between the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology of Tanzania (MCST) and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
The project’s overall objective is a strengthened Tanzanian information society with enhanced capacities to contribute to the achievement of the Government’s socio-economic development goals.
The project is organized in three components:
- Support the revision of the national ICT policy and start of the implementation.
- Strengthen the Institutional capacity of MCST.
- Create Tanzanian Innovation Program.
Have a look at the our brochure (pdf) to see what kind of activities and links to other initiatives we have:
*This is a curation of all Tech Hubs In Africa by Dignited
Twitter: tanzict
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanzict
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://tanzict.or.tz/
Location: Da res Salaam - Tanzania