Facebook opens office in South Africa — the first in Africa

Facebook careers

According to the Facebook Careers page, there are new job openings for Dubai, UAE and sub-Saharan Africa. The openings in Africa are available in South Africa for positions of Global Accounts, marketing and sales.

It’s no longer a secret, Facebook is finally asserting its physical presence in Africa. This follows a trend of several international tech giants that have dipped their feet into the continent’s waters, such as; IBM, Google, Microsoft, Intel among others. Facebook has enjoyed tremendous growth in the emerging markets since 2013.

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The radical shift they made in repurposing Facebook for mobile devices has seen the numbers spiral to over 700 million daily users. While at that, the number of new users from the U.S and Europe have somewhat stalled, on the other hand the number of mobile users has meteorically increased. Quite the opposite and this is where the social networking behemoth is dwarfing its competitors.

Now, after seeing positive shifts in attitude towards online advertising and increased demand for locally relevant Ads, Facebook wants to tap more into that avenue. They are bringing their expertise and marketing closer to the small and medium scale enterprises in emerging markets.

However, there is no official communication about the opening of their offices or even about plans for future expansion in other African countries.

Be sure to be updated when we get the official communication.

Image via Facebook Careers page

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