The international delegates representing both the public and private sectors will meet on 4 – 8 November 2013 in Kigali, Rwanda, for the ICT4Ag conference.
The objective of this event, which is co-hosted by the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), is to enable participants to discover the opportunities offered by the digital revolution to agriculture in developing countries.
The agenda will cover the latest technological trends, the lessons learned from experience, as well as current debates, in a context where food security is becoming an overriding challenge for governments and citizens alike.
The spotlight will be on smallholder famers, who represent the majority of farmers in developing countries (more than 60% in Africa) and who are discovering a whole range of new opportunities thanks to the Internet, satellite technology and mobile phones: money transfers, pricing information, advisory services, weather forecasts, plant health, veterinary services, agricultural management, data collection, etc.
The organisers of ICT4Ag have today announced a call for content. ICT4Ag invites sound proposals – debate topics, case studies, success stories, innovative solutions – capable of inspiring, informing and feeding the discussion.
Participants from all over the world, whether from the public or private sector, are invited to submit their proposals. The conference sessions will be interactive and will give participants the opportunity to learn from each other. The proposed content must relate to the following key themes:
Emerging ICT innovations in favour of agricultural and rural development.
Capacity-building and empowerment of stakeholders in order to enhance their commitment to agriculture and rural development.
Creation of favourable political environments to enable the agricultural sector to benefit fully from the contribution of new technologies.
Please let us have your input proposals, in English or French, by 9 June 2013 at the latest. These proposals must be submitted online via our website:
To keep up-to-date with the latest conference news, visit, follow #ICT4Ag13 on Twitter or visit ICT4Ag’s Facebook page.
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