Huawei Contributes to World Customs Organization 4th Global AEO Conference

The 4th World Customs Organization’s 4th Global Authorized Economic Operator – AEO conference is being hosted at Kampala Serena Hotel by Uganda Revenue Authority, with the theme of “Promoting Mutual Recognition of AEOs to Strengthen and Secure Global Trade.”

This provides a unique opportunity to discuss developments related to AEO and global security concerns. The participants are also able to exchange views on both the challenges and opportunities of AEO and MRAs, as well as the increasing role played by technology in this space.

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This global conference has attracted approximately 1500 participants from over 169 countries around the globe such as; Heads of Revenue and Tax Authorities, Customs Administrations, Government and Multilateral Policymakers, Senior International Logistics, Trade Compliance and Supply-Chain Managers, Chief Executive Officers from Companies in the trade supply chain, Authorised Economic Operators, multilateral financial institutions, Corporate and Trade Organization Executives, Supply-Chain IT Providers, Legal Advisors, Academia and Economists and the Business Community.

Huawei, a Corporate Sponsor of the conference and a member of World Customs Organization’s advisory body – The Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG) – in charge of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations worldwide, appealed to stakeholders for an open and non-discriminatory set of global trade and investment rules to support the future growth of the digital economy.

Huawei’s Solutions Expert showing the Smart Customs and Smart Taxation Solution to Investiment Minister Hon. Evelyn Anite, URA Commissioner Genral Ms. Dorris Akol and Commissioner Customs Mr. Kateshumba.

Huawei has achieved approximately AEO certificates in 19 countries and regions including South Africa, Uganda, Malaysia, China and Kenya among others

According to Huawei Uganda’s Managing Director Mr. Stanley Chyn, Huawei is willing to participate, and to make its contribution to this customs revolution by aligning our strategies and operations.

“We would also like use this great opportunity to appeal to all stakeholders for an open and non-discriminatory set of global trade and investment rules to support the future growth of the digital economy, and to implement effective, transparent and proportionate measures to ensure safety, security and integrity of global value chains via AEO and MRAs.”

“Huawei Uganda was awarded AEO certificate in 2016. On that note, we pledge to continue to comply with local laws and regulations, and make great contribution to the ICT industry”, he added

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At the conference round table, the importance of the Mutual Recognition of Authorised Economic Operators (MRAs), the perspective of the private sector and how the industry sees this recognition was discussed.

Aviva Zhang, Senior Public Relations Manager, Huawei Global Government Affairs Department Trade Facilitation and Market Access, who was also a participant of the round table noted that MRAs are welcomed by the private sector for their various efficiency improvements, particularly reduced time and costs due to priority treatment at the border.

She added that the ‘MRA’ has been beneficial to Huawei in reducing the import lead time into Japan citing the MRA’s ability to improve the predictability and reduce cost of moving goods from one territory to another thereby making the company more competitive.

Huawei also exhibited its smart customs and smart taxation solution intended to make efficient customs clearance services, promote trade facilitation and bring about social and economic benefits.

Editor’s Note: This is a Press release

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