
512GB DDR5 RAM Module Teased by Samsung
DDR5 is the latest of the generation of DDR memory and was announced by JEDEC earlier this year. As we all know that Samsung is one the biggest memory chips maker in the market and at the Hot Chips conference this year, the company announced... Read More


Startit 360 The Annual Business Workshop for Small Businesses
The Growth Office, an online digital marketing agency, strongly believe that an entrepreneur’s surrounding network has the biggest potential to impact their future and for this very reason, they have partnered with Hangout Foundation to organise an annual workshop called Startit 360, focused on supporting... Read More

SafeBoda, the motobike ride-hailing app is now live in Nairobi
We all saw it coming. It was just a matter of time before SafeBoda, the 'Uber for Bodaboda' came over to this side of the pond. But it was the intergration of MPESA credit purchase in the SafeBoda update that really gave it away. Early... Read More


Best alternatives to GitHub to host your code
So it is official, Microsoft has acquired GitHub for a rather reasonable 7.5 Billion dollars. Understandably, this is not sitting well with GitHub users. GitHub has for a long time been the go-to hosting site for open source projects. Microsoft happens to be as proprietary... Read More


Udacity and Google are Offering Scholarships For Web and Android Developers
Have you wanted to learn valuable skills to launch or advance your career as a mobile or web developer, but probably had no door open to your knocks? The Udacity-Google Scholarships for developers are here. It is an opportunity to master a world-class curriculum developed... Read More

Dimension Data Skills Business Stakeholders With Digital Empowerment
Dimension Data Uganda in partnership with their global partner Cisco, hosted the inaugural Digital Business Day Forum in a bid to showcase the latest solutions that enable businesses to fast track their digital transformation journey. The event, which took place on the 29th of March 2018 at... Read More

Smart Card Readers: What they do and how they work
A smart card reader is a device that is used to read a smart card. A smart card is a plastic badge that incorporates an installed coordinated circuit that can be either a safe micro-controller or a memory chip. These cards have the capacity to... Read More


WPS Office Review: A free worthy office suite for your smartphone and PC
Don't they say that if it looks like a frog, hops like a frog and croaks like a frog, then by all means it must be a frog? Now, WPS Office looks like Microsoft Office, works like Microsoft Office and even supports Microsoft Office document... Read More

TEAMS undersea cable maintenance to disrupt East Africa Internet speeds
The East African Marine System (TEAMS) undersea cable spanning the East African coast from Mombasa, Kenya to Fujairah Port in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will undergo planned maintenance works starting today 20th to 28th July 2016. Consequently, internet users in East Africa might experience some... Read More