Do you have an out-of-box creative idea that could potentially reach millions of Ugandan citizens at an affordable cost? Can your idea improve a feature in the current Justice ecosystem, giving access to lawyers; providing effecient legal IT systems, registries, feedback portals, enforcement; demistifying the law, and creating exponential impact?
The HiiL Justice Accelerator, standing for Hague Institution for Innovation of Law Justice Accelerator is looking for you to apply for the 2018 Challenge.
HiiL Justice Accelerator finds and supports the best justice entrepreneurs in order to create justice for all. Though it is a global call, it is particularly targeted to applications from Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Ukraine, South Africa, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, UAE and the Netherlands.
The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law, in 2017, set out to support 150 million people globally, ensuring that they are able to resolve their most pressing justice needs. This was to be done by introducing innovation in the Justice ecosystem with collaboration from governments, funders, laywers, courts and entrepreneurs.
Innovations and innovators are the pistons of the HiiL Innovating Justice Challenge that run every year. The Challenge scouts out for the most enterprising, impactful, unique and game changing ideas that can deliver safe, fast and effective access to justice to all citizens without discrimination.
Todate, HiiL has supported 7 innovations in Uganda since 2015 and 30 globally.
The competition
The challenge is in three parts, with the best innovations received through the challenge invited to pitch to a panel of judges at HiiL’s Boostcamp, which will take place in Kampala. The most promising Boostcamp participants will then be taken to The Hague in order to participate in the HiiL Justice Entrepreneur School, an intensive week-long programme of specialist business training and technical advice.
Selected innovations will then take part in the HiiL Justice Accelerator programme, which runs for between three months and one year depending on the innovator’s needs.
The Challenge
88% of Ugandans face a serious injustice annually, but only 5% of those injustices end up in the courts and only 1% of the population can afford a lawyer to follow up on their case(s).You can imagine how many walk away unhappy!
The 3 most pressing justice needs of Ugandans are Land, Crime & Law Enforcement and Family Justice and they are the core reasons for looking out for Innovations this year
Find out: More information on Uganda’s Justice Needs.
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