We have been receiving countless emails from our contact us page from online visitors and avid readers of Dignited alike. You are seeking information on some of the products and services we write about here or a quick tip on how to solve that tech problem. For instance Nyanzi asks “I leave in Europe and I would like to be paying for my parents gotv. Is there any mtn tel number I can send always the money on”.
Now we have tried to respond where it has been within our means to do so. However, it has become quite overwhelming for the editorial team to respond to every emails lately. So we thought of an idea. A solution we think can make Dignited even more helpful not just to a few people who have the courage to visit our contact us page and send emails through that form, but to thousands of other people who have not.
We call it “Dignited Answers”. Dignited Answers or simply Answers found at http://www.dignited.com/answers is a a Q&A platform where you can ask your Tech questions and they are answered by the Community. The community in this case is you and thousands of other online visitors that find this blog valuable.
We’ve already got the platform spinning with over 20 registered users, 120 questions asked and 64 answers already given. The platform is painless to use. You can get started by viewing some of the most recently asked questions. But if you feel like being more helpful with your knowledge, then you can respond to some of these unanswered questions. Don’t get intimidated because the questions aren’t about rocket science. It’s simple questions your bro or sis at home could ask you about setting up their Whatsapp or taking good instagram pics. But before you do that, start by registering an account which also takes about 5 seconds.
To make navigation easy and limit the scope of content to what Dignited audience is used to, we’ve created more than 5 categories(http://www.dignited.com/answers/categories). These include telecoms, digital TV, smartphones & tablets, computers, banking & payments, mobile money, software & Apps. To stand high chances of your question being answered, we recommend you stick to those categories.
The platform has moderators and subject experts. The moderators are users from the community who “police” the platform. If you spam us, you’ll immediately be de-registered. But moderators also help you familiarize yourself with the platform or help rephrase your question in a way that can be easily understood. Subject experts are users in the platform who know their craft such as geeks. But we have also talked to a few customer care representatives from particular service providers who will respond to questions specific to those products and services.
So that’s it people. Answers is now listed on the main menu together with channels and Hubs. No more emails will be responded to from now going forward. Ask your questions on Dignited Answers and you just might get an instant answer.
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