Zimbabwe To Host Inaugural Cloud Computing and Information Security Conference (CCISC 2013)

CCSIC 2013

This July, from 24th-26th,  the inaugural CCISC 2013 comes to Harare, Zimbabwe! The three-day convention, the very first of its kind, will be held at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC), at the Rainbow Towers Hotel.

CCISC 2013 is an open and intellectual convention where issues to do with cloud computing, in its various forms and information security are going to be presented, analyzed and discussed by experts and industry thinkers alike. This platform will allow for the both the delivery and sharing of key technological and innovative developments within these two areas of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa.

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African enterprises including telecommunications, cloud and information security service providers and consultancy firms, as well as invested vendors will come together over the intensive three day convention designed to address thematic agenda in the pertinent areas. The following mainstream topics, among others, will be addressed and discussed:

  • Business transformation through the cloud
  • African’s readiness in the uptake and adoption of cloud technology
  • Current and projected trends in information security and implications for business continuity planning
  • Integrating information security with world class physical security

More than 25 named experts from six different countries will deliver keynote addresses at the event; these include Michael Mbuthia, the Chief Information Security Officer at the Co-Operative Bank of Kenya, Kim Anderson, an expert in Cloud Enablement at CXO Advisor in South Africa, Beza Belayneh, a High Level IT & Information Security Consultant, Craig Rosewarne who is the Managing Director for Wolfpack Risk and Richard Maulana, Manager Director or Devoted Business Solutions, the cloud services division of Twenty Third Century Systems, Zimbabwe’s SAP Giant.

Attendees will benefit immensely from the valuable presentations, exchanges and discussions, question and answer sessions, networking sessions and exhibitions which will be highly characteristic throughout the length of CCISC 2013. ICT progresses as one of the fastest developing industries across Africa and as such, CCISC 2013 brings under focus the two main areas of cloud computing and information security as the direction in which Africa, as with the rest of the world, is going. CCISC 2013 raises critical issues to do with the expansive development and adoption of cloud computing technology and the security issues surrounding data integrity and safety.

More than 400 attendees are expected to take part in the CCISC Africa 2013. Every organization, big and small, relying on the limitless power of information technology for competitive business performance and social development in a world going more digital by the day is invited to attend this event and participate in this unique learning and networking opportunity.

Editor’s note: This is a press release from Eventus Worldwide which is organizing the above conference which the TechPost is a proud Tech Media partner. For more information, please visit their website www.ccsicafrica.com and follow them on Twitter  @ccisc2013.


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