What are the best LED Strip Lights you can buy?

LED strip lights are very common these days and they have become the go-to modern-day aesthetics device for homes, offices, cars, restaurants, gyms and most spaces you can find yourself. This is because besides looking cool, it is also customizable and you can have it in different settings with options like music mode that makes it sync with whatever music you’re listening to or TV mode which does the same for what you’re watching on your TV.

That being said, it is very important that you’re able to get a reliable product that also serves the purpose you intend for it. In light of that, here are some of the best four LED strip lights that you can choose from, with quality and different lighting options to enjoy from. So let’s get right into it.

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Best LED Strip Lights You Can Buy

Wyze Light Strip Pro: This is one of the all-around ideals LED strip lights that you can find out there. It comes with a variety of features which includes voice control using Alexa and Google Assistant, as well as you being able to control it using WiFi. Although it is not extendable, it has a good length and spans 32ft which is sizable enough to work with to an extent.

Also with the ample length comes some customizability as it is divided into 16 sections along its length that you can customize individually. This gives you quite a lot of options to work with in terms of appearance and style.

Govee Neon LED Strip Light: This is a nice flexible LED strip light with absolutely no need for connectors to achieve a certain shape or style, you can do it all with just the Govee Neon LED Strip Light. In addition, it has smart features like voice control, a dedicated app, and a music theme mode where the lighting is able to sync with the music you are listening to.

Not to mention it’s waterproof and also has a segmented lighting effect for added flair. However, it is only 3m which is quite sizeable but might be an issue for some as it is not extendable.

Philips Hue Bluetooth Smart Lightstrip Plus: If money is not a problem, this is the top-of-the-line LED strip light with a bunch of smart features with a bespoke HUE app for control from your phone or tablet. Another thing that is nice about this strip light is that it can be cut and extended up to 33 feet if you want.

In addition, there you can choose to integrate with Hue Hub if you have one for more customization, plus it has a low power rating of just 11.9W. You can also have features like voice control with Alexa and you can also change the color temperature.

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Elgato Light Strip: If you are looking for a bright LED strip light that’s going to be in front of the camera often without flickering, then the Elgato light strip is a solid choice. For the most part, these LED strip light is ideal for content creators but is also good for ordinary users with a bunch of smart features like control over the phone app where you can dim the lights, change colors or even time color changes and other customization.

At the end of the day, the list is not exhaustive and if it does not cater to what you want to use it for, there are other variants of LED strip lights on this list.

Honorable Mentions

Of course, these aren’t the only options available at your disposal, and since we can’t exactly feature everything in this post, here are some of the top picks from the team.

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