Even though you are most likely holding it right now in your hands or in your wallet, don’t be deceived. The future of money isn’t liquid cash. We are racing towards a cashless society instigated by our never-ending thirst for convinience.
The e-commerce boom sleeping the entire African continent is undeniable proof that conviniece always wins. Besides the big players such as MTN Uganda, these 5 companies are betting on that fact to position themselves as the drivers of this new economy.
Here are 5 companies doing mobile money remittance and electronic payments in Uganda worth knowing.
#1. Yo Uganda
Started as a Mobile value added service company of the yesteryears of SMS, Yo Uganda is re-investing itself as a mobile money payment gateway. Drawing from an interview I had with the companies MD , Gerald Begumisa, it’s clear that Yo sees mobile payments as the future of mobile value added services.
The company already has a platform that enables businesses to manage their mobile money transactions from a central place. With Bulk payments they provide a platform that enables easy remittances of funds to multiple mobile beneficiaries across all networks. The system further provides security and audit-trail capabilities to keep everything in check. Those of you hunting for MTN Uganda Mobile money APIs, you probably want to visit Yo.
#2. Beyonic
Beyonic moves business beyond cash by working with mobile payment providers across East Africa to offer modern bulk payment tools and expertise to business customers, and helping businesses use mobile as a means of paying employees, vendors and customers. The company has developed what it calls “Funds-To-Phones” which it claims has the capabilities of processing thousands of payments to hundreds of payees across multiple organizations.
Latst year, Beyonic partnered with Mercy Corps’ Agri-Fin Mobile program, to improve mobile payments by connecting 200 mobile money agents and 10,000 mobile money recipients in real time.
#3. Remit (Now Useremit.com)
Bank of Uganda and Uganda Investment Authority estimate that for the last three years, Ugandans living abroad transferred more than $700m (Shs1.7 trillion) annually. That’s a staggering figure. But according to the World Bank, Africa is the most expensive region to send money to.
Now remit.ug has taken on global money transfer services like Moneygram and Western Union with a witty, cheaper and more mobile-oriented means of enabling Ugandans in the diaspora to send money at home.
#4. Payway
When we first came to know about Payway 3 years ago, we knew Payway was going to change the payment industry in Uganda — and it did. The payment service provider first introduced sleek, touchscreen ATM-like payment kiosks that you could conviniently use to buy Airtime. However, overtime, the company has signed in more service providers, from pay TV providers, to utility, data and and lately even entered into electronic ticketing business.
What’s more is that the company introduced less bulky and portable, Point-Of-Sales terminals that agents around town can use to help users pay for services such as UMEME’s prepaid electricity or Yaka.
#5. Jpesa
JPesa is a payment processor that provides a fully integrated system for users to make mobile money payments and transfer money in a very simple and convenient way. The company provides online payment platform where you can easily and quickly set up a payment system for your website and accept mobile money payments across East Africa. In otherwords, it promises a Visa-like online payment system for merchants similar to what you have seen on e-commerce sites like Amazon, Ebay.
Jpesa competes with the likes of Pesapal, 3G-DirectPay, JamboPay, Epay, iPay and KopoKopo among other East Africa mobile money payment gateway service providers.
Now as you can tell, most of these providers use mobile money provided by the mobile networks to power their payment systems. The local banks are still sleeping although they are quite comfortable rolling out their own mobile banking and payment systems compared to their counterparts in Nigeria or South Africa. Without the banks activately participating in the next wave of electronic payments, the ecosystem that depends on e-payments like e-commerce site has instead opted for offline payments systems like Cash-on-delivery — because it works.
Image: GSMA
So how are the companies changing the money transfer and payment systems in Uganda, this seems like a list of companies to know.
@stephen if you follow the backlinks to some of those providers, you’ll find some ind-depth information of how they are uniquely implementing their solutions.
Payway’s portable PoS terminals for instance that you have seen with several agents around town are competing head-on with the Telecom’s Mobile money and the bank’s ATM machines.
But we shall do more to feature how old and new comers are changing the industry in subsequent articles
How is PayWay competing with Mobile Money? If you are looking at the utility and airtime payments, that’s not a core MM service rather a value add.
What value are these companies transacting? There are companies like Pegasus Technologies and Craftsilicon that are doing way high volumes compared to what you listed here. Not sure about your research method you used.
I have never heard of Pegasus Technologies and Craftsilicon… maybe they were out competed.
Hahaha. Dude those two companies are doing lots of transactions. But they mostly work with mobile money aggregation for banks!
I work for a mobile money company from America and we are looking for partners in East Africa .Anyonw with information
We have developed a platform for people to send and receive payments world wide, find our contact details from our website bluenodemedia.com
I would recommend you take a look at https://www.instapay.co.ug . It is very new, unique and simpler to the developers and merchants. Reference: http://www.yourictmagazine.com/mobile/546-instapay-a-ugandan-online-and-mobile-payment-gateway-2.html
The leading online and mobile payments processing platform in East Africa is http://3gdirectpay.com . It currently is the only PCI DSS level 1 compliant service, which means it holds the highest security rate by the global credit cards industry. Even though it mainly specializes in the travel industry, 3G Direct Pay is applicable to any ecommerce operations.
Came across this article. Know more about how mobile money is becoming a part of everyday life.
Ref: http://blog.mahindracomviva.com/somaliland-where-mobile-money-is-a-part-of-everyday-life-how-do-they-do-it/
those services look great, I would be happy to see them featured on moneytis.com comparison website