Trading sleep for data, here are your all night internet data bundles

If there’s anything more precious to me than anything else, it’s my sweet sleep. I know sometimes sacrifices have to be made. But when it comes to choices between my sweet sleep and cheap data, the ultimate winner must count.

Now most telecoms in Uganda are aware of their customers’ work-home balance. Work stays at work so that when Mummy and Dad come home, they can max on family time and eventually sleep as well.

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But the Telecoms know not everyone respects these boundaries — especially the geeks. So while everyone else is asleep, you can stay up all night from mid-night to 6am and enjoy cheap data you won’t afford during the day.

Here are your options;

For all we know, 5 telecoms in Uganda offer night data bundles. Africell, Airtel and MTN Uganda both offer the midnight to 6am night data bundle of only 1GB for the price of Ugx 2,500. But Smart Telecom Uganda surprises us with an unlimited data package for valid for the same time and same cost. Smile on the other hand wants you to commit to 60 days for 5GB which you’ll only use at night and during weekends.

Data ValidCost (Ugx)Activate
Africell Uganda(Happy Nights)1GBmidnight to 6AM2,500133*4#
MTN Uganda(MTN Night Shift)1GBmidnight to 6AM2,500*150*1#
Airtel Uganda (Night Pack)1GBmidnight to 6AM2,500*175#
Smart Telecom UgandaUnlimitedmidnight to 6AM2,500
Smile Uganda @home Night and Weekend Bundles5GB60 days60,000

Read more: Orange, MTN, Airtel, UTL Uganda data bundles compared: Which Internet package is the best for you?

Ultimately for me speed matters here. I want to get whatever I want done and go to sleep like everyone else. MTN Uganda is already boasting of its super fast 4G LTE network which quite frankly deserves all the bells and whistles according to our preliminary reviews. Obviously, at the end of the day, the ultimate choice is obviously yours.

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Image: Flickr

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