Three weeks after the official unveiling of this year’s flagship from Tecno, the device has finally hit local shores. In an event on 15th November at Sarova Stanley, Nairobi, Tecno Kenya made available the Phantom 8, successor to last year’s flagship duo, Phantom 6 and 6 Plus. They showcased the device’s dual camera capability, the power under the hood, their improved fast charging technology and the big battery.
A few questions stood out about the Phantom 8. The decision to go for plastic on the device’s back instead of glass, like other flagships. The decision to yet again go with a 1080p display when flagships don 2K displays. Why only one device this year. All these can be excused however based on that price tag and just how well the device works with what it comes with.
For more on the device’s specs, read this post: Phantom 8 Specs
Pricing and Availability
At launch, the Phantom 8 will cost you a not-so-budget Ksh 37,000. Buyers who decide to get the device from Jumia will get additional goodies such as selfie sticks, water bottles and a Telkom Kenya SIM with 2.5 GB data.
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