Xiaomi has unveiled its first Android Go-powered smartphone, the Redmi Go. The Redmi Go, just like every other Android Go-powered device in the market, goes for a rather reasonable $90. It runs a stripped-down version of Android called Android 8.1 Oreo Go Edition.
Android Go is a ‘lite’ version of the Android OS that is meant for use in regions where internet connectivity is limited and comes pre-installed with various ‘lite’ versions of Google applications like Maps Go, Youtube Go, Gmail Go among a bunch of others. All this is geared towards saving space and data.
Read more: What is Android Go and how different is it from Android One?
Read More: 2019 list of smartphones running Android Go
The device gets all the basics right with little else to talk about. It
It might not have any of the extra flair seen on some of its Android
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