Safaricom “All-In-One” bundle subscribers get 5GB free YouTube

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All-in-One bundles are really starting to take off in Kenya. Telkom Kenya with their #MzitoBundle, Airtel Kenya with their UnlimiNet and Safaricom’s All-in-One bundle to take on those offers. But as we found out when comparing them, Safaricom consistently offered little value for money.

To at least compete with Telkom and Airtel, two carriers that keep launching inexpensive plans time to time, Safaricom has been adjusting its products, this time, adding something small to their existing All-in-One bundles.

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The telco has introduced free YouTube access for All In One Monthly for affordable. Capped at 5 GB (for the subscription session), users can now enjoy watching their favorite videos on the platform without making a dent on their All In One data allocation. However, the 5GB allocated for YouTube on top of the product is available only for the KES 1000 and KES 2000 plans

Telcos such as Telkom and Airtel have dirty cheap subscriptions that appeal to young people that are always on the lookout for affordable data products.

Source: Techweez

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