
Four Ways Digitization Can Add Value To Your Company
In a world that is increasingly connected by and dependent upon technology, digitization is an important way for organizations to remain modern and relevant. Taking advantage of the global digital transformation allows companies in both the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) spheres to enhance their... Read More


How Google Maps Can Power Your Business
"David we already have a website, Isn't that enough to give us online visibility? ". The answer is No. Your website will give me relevant information about your services, your products, perhaps enable me do some transactions, give me your contacts or enable me contact... Read More

Why not having a mobile website is already hurting your business
Here are some facts. As of the year 2011, Uganda reached 14 million Mobile subscribers according to the site itnewsafrica.com. There about 3.2 million internet users as of the year 2010 according to the internetworldstats.com. Which leads me to make an intelligent estimation that for... Read More
