How to tell the WiFi version your Windows 10 and Linux PC supports
Following the recent announcement made by the Wi-Fi Alliance that it would, henceforward, be redefining the method it uses to nomenclate WiFi versions, a lot of gadget users have been curious to know what version of WiFi their devices run on. This article would guide you... Read More
Sip away at your coffee while grabbing free Wi-Fi with these Cafes thanks to Smile Telecom
Whether you are a freelancer or a start up owner who has just turned the coffee shop next door into your "office" or just an occasional coffee lover who passes by to grab a cup of hot coffee to kick start your day, you now... Read More
Review: MTN Uganda Wi-Fi HotSpots aren’t as hot as it would want you to think
Not so many years ago in 2010 I was attending an innovative class. Our class assignment was to come with innovations centered on software engineering and data communications that would really simplify our day-to-day life. A classmate pitched what I thought was a brilliant idea... Read More