The Impact of Internet in Africa: The Good, Bad, and Unfulfilled Potential

Dalberg Global Development Advisors are coming to Uganda to present a finding of their 2013  study and report about the impact of internet in Africa. This will be in partnership with Mobile Monday Kampala Uganda and Google for Entrepreneurs.

The report describes the role of Internet on socioeconomic development and the potential of the sub Saharan Africa. The body of research was to identify and measure the economic benefits of Internet and broad band.

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Most reports done before have found positive relationship between economic development and the internet, providing helpful starting points because they aggregated a wealth of data from an array of countries across the globe.

Though previous research tended to focus on macro-level data, which has limited ability to provide actionable recommendations for policymakers the available studies lack detailed analyses of the social and political value of the internet.

In contrast, this report defines the scope of economic benefits broadly, including opportunities to drive inclusive growth and to address social and inequality goals. Although it uses a macro-economic analysis to review the underlying enabling conditions, it relies heavily on a broad based survey of African businesses. It aims to understand the opportunities the Internet has brought these small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the barriers business owners face as they try to tap opportunities, and the Internet’s potential future impact on them.

If you want to attend this event register through this link….


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