Orange Expo 2013: Orange Community innovation Apps Featured at the Orange Expo 2013

On 8th August, Orange Uganda rewarded innovative students for the mobile applications they developed for social good under health

luunda_housing,  agriculture and education categories as part of its  Community innovation wards. We caught up with some of the the Apps and the developers showcasing at the Orange Expo 2013.

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FirstAidLuundalite is an App developed by William Luyinda,  Katamba martin and Ssekabembe Ibrahim and from Busitema university that assists poultry farmers with vital information as they rear birds.

Is an Android App that puts medical solutions for everyday emergencies on the mobile phone. It also lists emergenece service prodivers that are simply a call away. The App is developed by Russell Rutaro who’s just finished his IT course at Nkozi university.


agromktThis App lists details of agricultural markets across the country, market days, various farmers and the products sold in the different markets across most districts in Uganda. The developers are Isaac Omiat and Kutusiime Lisa who are currently students at Makerere University doing software engineering.


NoisyGates enables people to measure noise levels they’re exposed to and informs them of possible side effects. The App goes a step further and suggests precautions that one should take and even enables the user to send this information to concerned organisations such as NEMA for further actions to be taken. It’s developed by kato Daniel doing computer engineering from Busitema.


Developed by Joyce Nambalirwa and Daniel dut from international health sciences university, this app enlightens women about fertility. The user accurately enters their pregnancy status, frequency of intimacy and period flow and then it predicts their ovulation days, safe days, possible conception and delivery day.

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