First off, we have written about the Rise of the Bots in a bid to give a backstory into what exactly this new bot phenomenon sweeping chat apps is. Our intention was to understand the implications of implementing this technology in our everyday life for the better or worse. We also wrote A Guide to Using Telegram Bots but perhaps what we didn’t do was specify which bots had inline ability and which didn’t. Allow us to correct that oversight.
Inline Telegram Bots
Inline Telegram bots are those which can be summoned at will to offer a service in the middle of a chat session without having to go through the inconvenience of first leaving the chat.With this feature, you can interact with the bots by simply typing their username and then adding your queries such as a dictionary definition, a YouTube video or even a translation. The inline bot will instantly give the information to you.
Consequently, inline bots differ in functionality from regular bots, although some regular bots do have inline capabilities. The Store Bot where you can find other bots is one such bot which functions like a normal bot but can also be used inline.
Below is a GIF image we got by searching ‘inline telegram bots’ in @coub. The GIF image gives us a great demonstration on how inline bots work, so we felt we should share it with you.
While inline bots are few and far between, there are a number of very useful ones floating about, ready to be of service.That is only if you are actually aware of their existence. To get any of these bots, all you need to do is copy/type the username in your Telegram chat window, and voila! It’s all yours. Did we miss out anything? Inform us in the comment section and we will add it to the list.
P.S: You can follow our Telegram Channel, Tech256 [] to keep abreast with tech stories from the top Ugandan tech Websites: Dignited, TechJaja, PCTechMag and Guru8
A list of Inline Telegram Bots
- @gif/@coub to search for GIFs
- @youtube/@vid to search videos on Youtube
- @bing/@pic to search images on Bing and Yandex
- @wiki to search for information on Wikipedia (opens link)
- @imdb to search movies info on IMDB
- @sticker to search for stickers using available emoji
- @bold to convert texts to bold, italic and formatted
- @dictrobot/@exactlyappbot to search for English dictionary definitions of words
- @iLyricsBot to search for Lyrics to any song
- @lutilbot to translate words/sentences into over 70 languages using InLine Translator
- @storebot to search for other bots in the store bot
@the_musicbot@vkm_bot sends you music files (only works in group and its own private chat)- @mrbytebot is an AI bot that works in groups or its own private chat. Mr Byte can also work inline with reduced functionality. You can get results from Urban Dictionary, YouTube, Reddit, Wikipedia, Weather, e.t.c
- @my_ali_bot allows you to check prices and shop on AliExpress
- @getmediabot to search and download audio and video files
- @gamee/@gamebot to get a list of available Telegram games which play in-app
When will we finally see bots for Threema? I have no intention of using services like Telegram (or WhatsApp), which don’t provide serious data privacy. I understand Signal doesn’t support bots yet, right?
Neither Signal nor Threema support bots yet I am afraid. Telegram’s data privacy isn’t so bad. You’d love secret chats, have you tried it out?
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