5 Twitter Tips for Power Users


Here’s a common pattern many Twitter users have followed: join Twitter, you try to be active but in the end fail to understand the platform. You then take a break for some time then come back to Twitter and end up becoming addicted to the platform. Twitter seems complicated for quite number of reasons. Navigating and understanding the platform can be stressful sometimes. Listed in this guide, however, are 5 tips to ease your Twitter usage experience.

1. Twitter Lists

Your timeline will always be littered with many tweets talking about different topics. In case you want to follow up on specific topics, you can create a Twitter List and add accounts that share information around that topic. The lists feature can also be used when tracking your competitors. You can create a private list and add all your competitors and you will be able to see their content without necessarily following them.

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See Also: What are Twitter Lists and How to use them

2. Use of the Period

You probably must have seen someone place a full stop (.) before they mention a Twitter user at the beginning of the tweet. If you are tagging someone to your tweet and want many people to see it, it is best you start the tweet either with a period (.) or any words but do not tag the account straight away. If you do so, Twitter will assume you want to have a conversation only with the tagged account and they will show your tweet only to the person you tagged and the mutual followers.

Notice the period (.) just before the Twitter handle is mentioned | Twitter Tips
Notice the period (.) just before the Twitter handle is mentioned | Twitter Tips

Schedule a Tweet

For a power user, you definitely need to schedule a few tweets in order to free up some of your time. There are lots of third-party apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, Crowdfire, that can enable you to schedule tweets. Twitter also introduced native scheduling via their desktop version although scheduling has also been possible on Twitter’s Tweetdeck desktop app. The choice of platform depends on your tastes and preferences but Twitter’s native schedule tool does just fine.

Related: How to Schedule Tweets on Twitter

Advanced Search

Just in case you want to make a more specific search or need to find an exact tweet or tweets from particular users, an advanced search is a great option. Head over to Twitter’s advanced search,

  1. Fill in the appropriate fields to refine search results.
  2. Click “Search” to see results.
Fill in the appropriate fields according to your search needs in order to perform an advanced search | Twitter Tips
Fill in the appropriate fields according to your search needs in order to perform an advanced search | Twitter Tips

Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts

When using a desktop or laptop, use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate Twitter. To use these shortcuts, position your cursor anywhere on your screen and tap any of the following keys.

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Action Keys

  • n – new Tweet
  • l – like
  • r – reply
  • t – Retweet
  • m – Direct Message
  • u – mute account
  • b – block account
  • enter – open Tweet details
  • o – expand photo
  • / – search
  • cmd-enter | ctrl-enter – send Tweet

Navigation keys

  • ? – full keyboard menu
  • j – next Tweet
  • k – previous Tweet
  • space – page down
  • . – load new Tweets

Timeline shortcuts

  • g and h – Home timeline
  • g and o – Moments
  • g and n – Notifications tab
  • g and r – Mentions
  • g and p – profile 
  • g and l – likes tab
  • g and i – lists tab
  • g and m – Direct Messages
  • g and s – Settings and privacy
  • g and u – go to someone’s profile

Twitter is a great platform to grow your network, catch up on the latest news, and engage in some meaningful discussions. In order to leverage the power of Twitter fully, you will need to tweak a few things here and there. What are your top Twitter tricks that have kept you going on the platform? Share them with us in the comments section.

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