Airtel Uganda WTF: Airtel names its “too good to believe” campaign WTF!

Airtel WTF

Airtel Uganda just launched a campaign dubbed Whatsapp, Tweet and Facebook (WTF!) –excuse the pun– where customers can use the three social networks for an unlimited rate at a paltry UGX 500 (about $ 0.2) for a maximum of 24 hours.

From the look of things on an interesting thread on the Airtel Uganda Facebook page, customers seem to be very disturbed by the quality of the service. One of the comments read:

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Barclayz Bautu D’exit i hate wen i buy bandles an am given response of “systems’ error try again or the page is temperorily an available” shame on u nigaz yo help line no one recieves our calls employ more pipo if u have few.

The comments section is where the real sentiments are!

As my mentor always puts it; when something is too good to be true, then it is often too good to be true.

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