
Former Teehan+Lax partner: In startups, it’s not always about the money
What started as an ad hoc chat between a friend and I would later snowball into one of the biggest tweetstorms of the night by a global tech leader. Jeremy Bell’s startup in the works, wattage.io, has the most scintillating manifesto I had ever read.... Read More


Rebranding is way beyond logo redesign
Whereas some firms with visibly terrible designs are still making profits, many startups (even old timers) are struggling because of the poor imagery they associate themselves with. Truth is that the majority of rebranding exercises are motivated by a plethora of problems that are entirely... Read More

Facebook News Feed: Goodbye Clutter, Hello bright, beautiful stories
Facebook unveiled a whole new news feed on Thursday morning and the revamp comes with a host of fresh features. Among the chief advantages: bigger images, multiple feeds for different interests and a more consistent user experience across mobile devices. Facebook continues to push the boundaries of new... Read More

Why not having a mobile website is already hurting your business
Here are some facts. As of the year 2011, Uganda reached 14 million Mobile subscribers according to the site itnewsafrica.com. There about 3.2 million internet users as of the year 2010 according to the internetworldstats.com. Which leads me to make an intelligent estimation that for... Read More
