Mobile Phones

A Week without my Smart phone. The agony!
What have we made our smartphones? A smartphone isn’t just an accessory to me but an extension of my life and without it, there would be no way to live. Right now am in position to attest to that. My journey without a smartphone started... Read More


How the Mobile Phone changed the way we listen to Radio in Africa
Over the years, Africa has had a wave of changes in information technology and communication. There has been various technologies that have forever changed the the way that people communicate and share information. From postal mail, to television, newspapers, magazines to the mighty Internet. None... Read More

Soon your Mobile phone will replace your PC and this is why
The mobile phone is central to a lot of African technological developments and with our computer glasses, we can pretty much do what anybody else does on a fully fledged computer. Much as we are not yet there, with today's phone hardware and applications, one... Read More