Dignited Staff

MTN Uganda Appoints Ibrahim Senyonga as their Business Unit General Manager
Mr. Ibrahim Senyonga is one of the new members on the MTN Uganda leadership team joining as the General Manager for the company’s Enterprise Business Unit (EBU), a department that focuses on driving Business to Business sales for MTN. He brings to MTN over 16... Read More


5 Ways to Get the Best out Of Your YouTube Channel
One of the biggest video sharing platforms is YouTube. It boasts of over 2 billion users with about 1 billion hours of video viewing daily. This means that, daily, more YouTube content is uploaded in the site compared to most television networks. Influencers have also... Read More

Students Testify about MTN Uganda’s support for E-learning Amidst lockdown
A number of students have come out to testify about how MTN Uganda's support for e-learning has benefitted them during the lockdown that was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. MTN Uganda recently zero-rated the e-learning portals of most Universities in the country. This was due... Read More


MTN Uganda Issues Statement In Response to Tax Appeals Tribunal Ruling
MTN Uganda has had several legal encounters with the tax body, Uganda Revenue Authority, (URA) over unpaid taxes. The encounters have gone through a number of rulings with the latest from the Tax Appeals Tribunal, (TAT) asking MTN to pay UGX 24,273,771,472 (twenty-four billion two... Read More


Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy
Solar energy is a renewable energy source. It is a type of energy generated from the Sun and harnessed to create electricity that we can use. Meaning, as long as the sun is present, we cannot run out of solar energy. In this post, we... Read More

MTN Uganda Shares Tips on How Businesses Can Keep Afloat Amidst COVID-19
The remote working trend got a big push when the COVID 19 pandemic ravaged the world. Today, many companies are supporting their employees to work from home, in adherence to the World Health Organization’s guidelines of social distancing and quarantine to curb the spread of... Read More

7 Lessons From Top E-Commerce Stores That Can Help You Sell Massively
Truly, online business is a booming business. In fact, e-commerce stores around the world are hyper flourishing. As a matter of fact, any business that wants to expand needs to create an online presence. This is because the physical stores and retail outlets are becoming... Read More


Top 8 Useful Remote Communication Apps You Should Try
Due to the current pandemic, remote communication apps are earning strides globally. Companies are seeking to improve business performances remotely while individuals are seeking to connect with loved ones at distance. Indeed, remote communication is now a trend in today's modern society happening via video... Read More

5 Merits of Smart Home Devices: Why They’re a Big Deal
In this golden era of technology rebirth, smart home devices have remodeled homes into a space of limitless possibilities and interconnection. The ability of your home devices to be controlled remotely using a central button or voice command via your smartphone is what smart home... Read More