Google One
Free up Space on Your Google One Account
When you create s Google account, Google gives you 15GB of free cloud storage (Google Drive) to store your files (Photos, documents, recordings, music, email attachments, etc). At first, 15GB might seem like a lot of storage space, however, after years of use, you will... Read More
How to Share Your Google One Subscription With Family Members
When you open a Google account, Google gives you 15GB of free storage space in your Google Drive to store your files, pictures, and videos. But what then happens when you exhaust the free 15GB? That's where Google One comes in. Google One is basically the... Read More
Google Photos is ending its free unlimited storage offer
Launched five years ago, Google photos has been the go-to cloud storage service for backing up and sharing photos with family and friends. The best part is that it's been completely unlimited for what Google called "High Quality" photos. As a result Google Photos is... Read More