
How to record WhatsApp, Messenger, Skype, Telegram calls
Apps like Whatsapp started as messaging apps but with advancements in Technology, they were able to integrate voice and video calls into the apps. There are vast reasons you might want to record these calls. The hustle, however, is in the recording process. There are... Read More


Top 5 Apps that help you make Free local and International calls
Making international calls is no not as hard as it used to be. Back then, International call tariffs were so high that just a couple of minutes would cost so much. This began to change with coming of Instant messaging services like Yahoo messenger and... Read More

Skype real-time language translator coming to your device late this year
Imagine a phone conversation between two callers who speakers two different languages, yet can understand each other while still speaking in their native languages -- all without a language translator (at least a human one)? Well, this capability might hit your device later this year... Read More


In the Smartphone world, voice is just an app and it’s everything the telecoms feared
Telecommunications has and continues to radically change every other day with the evolution of network technologies, devices and software. At first we used Telegraphs to send messages over long distances. But this soon changed to the telephone developed by Graham Bell in the 18th Century that... Read More
