David Okwii

Data driven Journalism: When the Journalists and Techies go matching in
[caption id="attachment_1351" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Average Market prices for Uganda from 2007 – 2011 data visualization by the cowteam at the meetup[/caption] At an event I attended at Outbox on the 23rd of Febuary, I met journalists and software developers determined to crunch numbers together in... Read More


Mara Launchpad Business Hackathon: It is not a code but business hackathon
That's exactly what one of the mentors, James Makumbi a reknown ICT veteran told a swam of Technology enthusiasts, business developers, marketing experts participating in what the Mara foundation/launchpad kampala has termed as the "Mara Business Hackathon". According to the event organizers; Mara Launchpad BizHack... Read More

Orange Uganda officially launches Mobile Money service
Orange Uganda,(Now Africell Uganda) in partnership with Post Bank and Pride Micro-finance, announces the launch of its mobile payment service Orange Money in Uganda today. This is the first step in a partnership that aims to offer mobile users in Uganda a broad, customer-focused financial... Read More


Symbian is dead: Nokia finally kills the “burning platform” with the Pureview, keeps Windows phone
It's almost two years now since Nokia CEO Stephen Elop wrote a popular email to his staff where he described Symbian, the mobile operating which runs the companies low-end handsets as a "burning platform". Well, sure enough, the platform has indeed burnt up. According to... Read More


MTN Uganda Prepping For 4G LTE Deployment
According to a press release on its website, MTN Uganda plans to deploy Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in Uganda during the coming months. MTN Uganda has the largest mobile subscriber base in Uganda and will over the next month provide it's clients with even faster internet... Read More

So what are some of your 2013 Tech resolutions? Here’re some from our readers and the Editors
Every beginning of the year, in order to be counted as focused and orderly individuals, we like to write down a couple of resolutions. We take these firm decisions to do or not to do certain things in order to reach a desired goal. For... Read More

World bank Sanitation Hackathon Kampala wants to change Sanitation in Uganda for the better
Uganda loses $177m per year due to poor sanitation according to the Independent magazine and this is one of the reason why an army of Tech developers, Tech enthusiasts, corperations and a government authority have braced themselves for a 48 hour hackathon here at Smile... Read More


Orange Expo 2012: Expos Change With Orange
Now we think that the Orange Expo 2012 is the single most exciting, informative and engaging Tech event here in Uganda that show cases the latest and the best innovation from in and outside the pearl. This year, we saw "new" Technologies like NFC and 3D more... Read More

A simple Luganda-based Free operating system you probably haven’t heard about
We at the TechPost are absolutely thrilled whenever we land on an amazing Technology innovation developed by and for Ugandans and Africa at large. We've a philosophy that technology needs to be localized in order to have a maximum impact in the community. This time, we're reviewing an operating system... Read More