David Okwii
Send an SMS using Gmail for free Now
One morning, I get to work and initiate a chat conversation over Gmail with one of my friends with a Gmail account. So we catchup on how each one’s weekend was, exchange pictures, funny video clips, forwards and the like. Then after 30 minutes, my... Read More
How internet cafes will become obsolete in the next 5 years
In the past two decades or so, internet cafes and Telecentres have been at the epicenter of accessing ICT services in Africa -- especially here in Uganda. Internet cafes have for so long been the only places that users can access their emails, for some write documents,... Read More
3 tested and proven ways to read Email with your Mobile phone
Accessing email on your mobile device is currently the most frustrating thing anyone can do with their devices. There are no standards, the screens are small, data speeds are slow and the user experience is simply annoying. However, Email is now part of us and... Read More
A beginner’s guide to understanding wireless technologies
Previously we talked about mobile phones and Personal Computers and drew a comparison between the two gadgets. We discovered that with today's phones, you can do on phone pretty much what you do with your PC including taking and editing photos, writing notes, browsing the web and reading email.... Read More