Windows Phone
Sorry Windows Phone users – there will be no BBM for you
Blackberry has maintained that they will not be making a BBM version for Windows and the main reason is that the iOS and Android versions were made based on demand and as such they aren't discriminating but just allowing market dynamics of demand and supply... Read More
Some common smartphone problems and how you could solve them
We all have used or at least know smartphones. With the glorious things you can do with them and how they can simplify your life from media to memory storage, journalling to keeping in touch on the social networks, to gaming and entertainment. There is... Read More
LG E900: A mid-range windows mobile phone on the Orange Uganda network
In Summary The LG E900 is a mid-range Windows Phone device supported by Orange Uganda. The device is a good showcase for Windows Phone 7.5 having had a solid construction, a 5MP camera and some great in-built Apps like MS Office. However, its battery won't give... Read More