
A complete beginner’s guide to VR on smartphones
Smartphones have become pretty boring these days; if it ain’t a big screen, then it’s a phone with a huge mega pixel camera. Or maybe octa core processors and ramped up RAM. At the end of the day, you are still interacting with a rectangular... Read More


Pilot is a smart language translation earpiece by Waverly Labs
Chances are that you have traveled to another region or country where they don't speak your native language. And you have either had to use a local guide, sign language(anyone?) or Google translate to communicate. But what if you could both communicate in your respective... Read More

Sony’s new patent will make it possible to charge your phone wirelessly using your friend’s
Talk of friends and the mind should rush to what they are there for. In a battery crisis, yet in dire need to make an important call or to send an urgent text message, your friend could loan you some of their battery by letting... Read More


Aquila, Facebook’s solar-powered Internet-beaming aircraft makes first successful test flight
Facebook just took their internet-beaming drone on a successful maiden flight. Aquila is a solar-powered unmanned aircraft weighing in at 500kg, of which over 200kg is taken up by the batteries. The drone has a wingspan equal in size to a commercial airplane and flies... Read More


Kayoola Bus Breaks Down At Launch
We recently gushed about the Kayoola Bus, Uganda's pride and joy, the solar-powered electric hybrid that put Uganda on the map for innovation and technological advancement. Developed by Kiira Motors, the much anticipated 35 seater bus was commissioned by President Museveni of Uganda at a grand... Read More

Uganda’s Kiira Motors test drives the electric solar powered Kayoola Bus
Known for the Kiira EV and the Kiira Smack, Kiira Motors Company (KMC) has finally done a test drive of the much anticipated 35 seater electric solar bus. The Kayoola that runs at 80km per hour is meant for the urban setting traveling short distances.... Read More

What is the future of smartphones? Is it going to be a battle of hardware or software?
Every single quarter, we see phone manufacturers releasing new smartphones and tablets claiming that they are the best devices yet. Every single year they struggle to beat last years specifications trying to cram crazy specs in tiny devices in attempt to claim the top device... Read More


The Message isn’t the Medium: The Newspapers’ Innovator’s Dilemma
Every so often I meet guys who are proclaiming the imminent death of Newspapers. They are convinced that digital media will cannibalize on the market dominated by Newspapers and perhaps traditional media like TV, Radio, Magazines etc. They are mostly right. Newspapers are dying. That's... Read More

Facebook, News, Search among the top most used online Applications in Uganda
If Google is the gateway to the internet, Facebook is the online destination in Uganda. The social giant's rise to stardom began in 2007, the same year that Internet really began to make sense to many Ugandans. [caption id="attachment_12237" align="aligncenter" width="1028"] Percentage of individuals using... Read More